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  1. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Is it a duck yet? - 08/06/2022 Stream idea

    From the stream, we came up with some blood duck ideas: Achievement: "Is it a duck yet?" Flood a room with blood. Form tarots (skin): Either a new form, or a skin for the werebat form, of a giant blood duck. Pet: Blood duck: a normal(-ish) duck that likes being covered in blood, and thus...
  2. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Functional crypt items

    In playing a lot of DragonFable lately, several house items in that game allow functionality for a small fee, such as easier access to the refill potions beyond the usual max (5 instead of 2), or always access to the seasonal content by clicking statues in a cosmetic. Some ideas regarding this...
  3. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Community Choice: Demo Arena Name

    During the stream, it was revealed that the Demo Arena currently does not have a name. It was immediately brought up as a possible community choice what it should be called. Give your suggestions in this thread! Suggestions that already have been given: The Basement - Shinybri Pugna Stipes -...
  4. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Groups of undead

    A Feast of Ghouls feasted, a Library of Liches read, an Assembly of Wights philosophized, a Chain of Wraiths floated, a Choir of Banshees sang, a Rage of Revenants raged, a Court of Vampires drank, a Gallow of Undead mingled. Drop your ideas here, and I will add them here. (I will put them in...
  5. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    The Herald of the Dead - Second Issue, The Dead Speak, Octahedrons to Dismantle, Community Stream and Scream, Lord Zorin in the Flesh

    Welcome everyone, both dead and deader, to this second issue of the Herald of the Dead! This will be a surface-level summary of last month's streams for those who cannot take the time to watch them in their entirety. The summary This was a busy month! The real quick overview is this: We...
  6. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    The Herald of the Dead

    Welcome everyone, both dead and deader, to this first edition of the Herald of the Dead! This will be a surface-level summary of yesterday's stream for those who cannot take the time to watch it in its entirety. The Summary: The real quick overview is this: The old world drive is going on! At...
  7. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Afterparty answers: Merch ideas

    In the afterparty chat, the idea came up for the physical merch store to be expanded. Mentioned were pins and badges, physical maps and things as such. This is a thread to put ideas you have for physical merchandise.
  8. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    [New World] Pack suggestions

    With the retirement of the Old World becoming imminent, the thought turns to what the new world may bring. Since Deadhaus Sonata makes a big point of community involvement, the community gets a say in this. In this thread, you do not get to decide the fate of Malorum for once. Instead, you will...
  9. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    New Writing Sub-Forum Announcement!

    Last World Anvil stream, there was talk of setting up a specific section of the forums dedicated to writing. We are excited to announce that we have created this section now, and opened it up to the public. This section will be held to both the general rules and the World Anvil Submissions...
  10. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    On Pain of Death

    Sydell walked around the digging site, the archaeologist’s assistants were disappearing, and she was getting anxious. She had hoped they would find something interesting, but for now they had just found the rest of the known ruins. Exciting, but nothing groundbreaking. Stretching her legs, she...
  11. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Wights - The Guardian Undead?

    Wights... Are not undead. At least, not before William Morris's translation of the Grettis Saga. In that translation, haugbui, a type of undead closely related to the Draugr, was translated as barrow-wight. So, if the word wight did not mean a specific undead creature, what did it mean? It...
  12. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Travel in Nogosaua

    In the most recent discord afterparty, the discussion turned to the concept of travel throughout the world of Deadhaus. Throwing ideas around, we compared the concepts from Warframe and Diablo (which, to be fair, I haven't played enough to know how it completely works). The node-type way of...
  13. Jaina Chaosweaver of Fate

    Backstory tips and collections

    I like writing backstories, I like reading backstories as well. So, I thought that this would be a good thread, a collection of tips you can give for writing backstories, as well as a collection of backstories for other games. One thing I always do, that is a double-edged sword at times, is...