
OG 2020
Old World
Aug 7, 2020
A thought occurred to me regarding the various animations our characters would perform. Not so much in relation to combat, but with simple stuff. Things like walking, running, floating, jumping, picking up items, activating levers or buttons, etc.; and that had me thinking of not only the many cool looking ways one could perform these actions but also the many.... not so cool ways.

The catch is that people's opinions differ on what they consider a cool animation; and for role players: if it's even appropriate.

So I had the thought of perhaps having customizable animations. Do you want to walk like a soldier or a royal, or would you prefer to shamble? Do you keep your head high and proud, or low and menacing? When you land from a jump, is it gracefully like a feather, or brutishly like a meteor? Do you open doors with your hands or your feet, or perhaps with magic?

There's a great many ways of animating these actions and thus providing a great many ways of adding more character to our characters.

Understandably, this would require quite a lot of extra work to implement that may not be worth doing. At least not at first. But it's an idea.
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Unofficial GTA roleplay servers tend to have 3 things for animations:
  • Specific (idle) animations you can trigger on demand (includes static animations such as sitting)
  • Walking stance you can change based on the mood / condition of your character
  • Talking "stance" such as angry, shouting, confident, etc.
So you can change it on-the-fly based on the situation you're in.
If done right, instead of than just allowing personalization, it can also improve expression and immersion.