Varik Keldun

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Grim Scribe
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Jan 10, 2020
The 5 factions within Deadhaus are.

The Ferrymen - Judicial System
The Harbingers - The Secret Order of Truth
The Horde - The Military
The Noblesse - The Rulers
The Shadows - Intelligence Agency

This table is an attempt to possibly add titles / ranks for each of the factions. Above all the factions of course is N'Gaztak the leader of Deadhaus
Rank \ factionFerrymenHarbingersHordeNoblesseShadow
1Council of 3ProphetGeneralPrinceThe Unseen
2Council of 33ApostleCaptainDukeWhisperer
5Bounty HunterSeerCorporalViscountInfiltrator

more ranks could be added, or even make additional side ranks for different areas within the factions (I.E. Scribe / Grim Scribe)

For discussion about possible influences / abilities that factions may have refer to this thread please.
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Alright, interesting discussion. :)

I frankly had not written them down and did not remember any of them but the Noblesse from the top of my head. I had no recollection of the Ferrymen, even. But now, I was wondering, was it really "Hoard" or "Horde"? Because I think it makes sense to call a military organization of undead "Horde".

In any case, I want to make some suggestions. I was going to propose some arrangements but I decided it it is best to throw the names in the air and leave them up to you. They are in no particular order.

For Harbingers:
- Magus
- Augur
- Prophet
- Oracle
- Disciple
- Apostle
I believe it is a nice idea to use the badges as titles in the game.

For Ferrymen:
- Boatswain
- Arbiter
- Marshal
- Magistrate
- Warden
- Umpire
- Intercessor
- Inspector

For Shadow:
- Eye
- Watcher
- Mist
- Brume
- Shade
- Keen
- Emissary
- Observer

One more thing: I believe it makes sense to have some human hierarchies replicated in some level among the undead, but the more you can match them with things that are particular to only the undead, the better. For example, associating Magickal aspects to the Harbingers, or the Physical to the Hoard. Anything that you can take into consideration of the world and organization of the undead when coming up with names and concepts, the better.
**Moving this discussion to a new thread**

had some discussion with a few others in voice chat. and an idea popped up about the top ranks. like the council of 3 or council of 33, or the General for the Hoard(this is what Denis typed) though Horde does make more sense :D - anyway... if these were attainable ranks for players to achieve they could be limited to a time frame 1 or 2 weeks and given a special narrative choice that could affect the next week or two in events... to be able to gain these ranks of course would take dedication in game to do major plot points within the faction itself and gain enough influence within the faction itself to obtain those ranks.

Justice - could vote on specific rare enemies that spawn during the next week (33 gets a longer list and 3 makes final decision) - gain influence for completed bounties (undead that may have betrayed deadhaus in some fashion)

Harbingers - top 2 tiers get to vote on areas lore heavy encounters may be present - gain influence by collecting documents / scrolls throughout the world

Hoard(horde) - ability to pick where reinforcements will be pulled from or gone to for the next week giving a combat bonuses / debuffs to areas. - gain influence through combat (the easiest to achieve)

Shadow - Vote on specific rare enemies that spawn during the next week (non undead) - gain influence by collecting enemy documentation.

Noblesse - I honestly have no clue on this one..... but they could help all the other factions in one way or another through influence - gained by helping with their objectives maybe?

anyway it was a thought that passed through my head... to prevent 1 person or a small group of people just obtaining the top ranks over and over again... the influence cost would get higher and higher the more times obtained the rank. I.E. 1000 influence the 1st time, then like 1500, 2000, 2500 and so on.
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Justice - could vote on specific rare enemies that spawn during the next week (33 gets a longer list and 3 makes final decision) - gain influence for completed bounties (undead that may have betrayed deadhaus in some fashion)

I think this is really cool, but I also hate it, like cool stuff but there's mechanical issues I'd like to bring up not as an attack but like, as a concern. Here's why: If you've ever been stuck on a cooldown for a particular unique/rare mob, you know this sucks because there's a good chance everyone is camping it and you'll be lucky to get one hit before it's dead. now add that respawn timer to weeks, and then also it's dependent upon a random person's choice.

Like in theory this is exciting and awesome, but in reality this would suck the largest of butts. You could also make it so that the enemy isn't really going to affect anything (ie their drop doesn't matter or whatever) but then the whole "choice" you make is also worthless so it's not really a choice at all. Same with shadow.

Harbingers - top 2 tiers get to vote on areas lore heavy encounters may be present - gain influence by collecting documents / scrolls throughout the world
This has the same issue the last one does, but could be manipulated to "the drop is always X, this just increases the drop of by Y%" so that it's meaningful maybe like +20% can stack with other stuff.

Hoard(horde) - ability to pick where reinforcements will be pulled from or gone to for the next week giving a combat bonuses / debuffs to areas. - gain influence through combat (the easiest to achieve)
Like the last one, as long as these are "in addition to" rather than "at the exclusion of". Same notion.

anyway it was a thought that passed through my head... to prevent 1 person or a small group of people just obtaining the top ranks over and over again... the influence cost would get higher and higher the more times obtained the rank. I.E. 1000 influence the 1st time, then like 1500, 2000, 2500 and so on.

I would recommend that this start at X rate, increase to Y but also have a bleed off to Z. This way they are less likely to get the next one, but also that they can have an easier time getting it later on if they put the work in, Z being a % based bleed off over time. Lets say you take 6 months off the game, come back and now you have an immediate motivation to participate in that system as well as catch up on other content.
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