
  1. okamino.

    True Lider of The Deadhaus

    So I been thinking about it for some time and it's really interesting who is The Ruler of Deadhaus? Is it this powerful warrior from ,,Of Nightmares'' audio, or is he just a really powerful being in Deadhaus? Or maybe the real lider is this being that created Banshees kind? Anyone can answer?
  2. Sailor Midgard

    Lore of the Arena

    This is a discussion about the arena "lore" wise. Not for ideas to improve it. For that forum head over to https://deadhaussonata.com/forum/threads/tech-demo-feature-suggestion-box.709/ for any ideas to improve or add to gameplay. This post is for discussing anything that may add to the lore of...
  3. Golden Xan

    New info released: Class Page Updates - 14th of October

    Hey everyone, I noticed some updates on the classes page. Not sure when they were effectuated, but there are some small details that I'd like to bring about. For the first time, the classes page now has all the classes listed and it is currently possible to access a unique page for each of...
  4. Golden Xan

    Voice of the Source - A translation article citing Seven Suns in Twilight

    Hey everyone, As I mentioned on the last stream, I read this article on the importance of translation mentality from a translation community I am a part of, and who would know, I have the author's permission to post it here as well. It cites the very same page of the Necroliberatas that we have...
  5. Jack Lindsey

    Class Descriptions and Seven Suns

    As per your requests, I have amended the vampire and revenant class descriptions to be more in line with the other classes in terms of length. They are now visible on the Classes section of the Explore tab. There is also a new version of "Seven Suns in Twilight" in the Necrolibriatas. As always...
  6. Golden Xan

    [References] Banshee - Lore Sources & Facts

    Hey everyone, In an attempt at finding meaningful lore to use for inspiration when making suggestions, I have looked for lore deep in history of the classes in Deadhaus. I decided to focus, first, on the Banshee. In my search, I've encountered many interesting stories and found various...
  7. Golden Xan

    New info released: Cosmology Mapping of Deadhaus' Houses

    Deadhaus published yet another piece of info about the game's world: cosmology mapping. The image can be found under the "Trinary Archetype System" on the Deadhaus Sonata official page. According to Denis Dyack, some of the symbols on the mapping indicate the different houses of Deadhaus...