Happy New Year Everyone! As we jump into the new decade, we wanted to bring up some significant changes and updates that are happening to the world of Deadhaus Sonata, Founders Packages and the Community.

Weekly Video Updates and Live Streams

From this point onward we will be releasing weekly videos on YouTube and weekly live streams on Twitch. Our first video of the new year is premiering on January 9th at 6 p.m. EST

and our first live stream is on January 10th at 6 p.m. EST. The first live stream will be an Exclusive Q&A with Denis Dyack, in which the community can ask questions about Deadhaus Sonata and about Denis’ past games.

Introduction of Ages

Deadhaus Sonata is a narrative-driven action RPG, where the story is integral to the gameplay and design of the world. One of the first features that we are rolling out is Ages, which are periods within the history of Nogosaua that will allow players to have a permanent and powerful impact on the world.

See AGES here.

Founders Packs Refinement and Enhancement

All Founders Packs (cosmetic armour sets, weapons, and sentient artifacts) will now work on all classes! This decision is based upon our desire to make the experience accessible for all players, regardless of which classes they want to play. Furthermore, you will now get significantly more Platinum (in-game currency) when you buy a Founders Pack. Some of these bonuses are substantial and are limited to Founders Packs only. Once we arrive at the First Age, these Founders Packs will be gone forever. These changes to Founders Packs will be applied retroactively to existing purchases, so if you have already made a purchase, don’t worry you have already been upgraded.

Finally, we have changed the in-game currency from “Bones” to “Platinum” to avoid any confusion that we are talking about in-game currency.

We hope you enjoy these changes and welcome any feedback you may have. Thank you for all the support you have given to us in the past year and we are excited about working with everyone in the upcoming year.

Let’s make 2020 the year of Deadhaus!

The Apocalypse Team